There are clearly signs, online and off, that the portrayal of feminism as the ideological property of the Left makes conservative women feel excluded and marginalized by liberal, feminist rhetoric.

While there are many moderate discussions happening on these forums, the propensity for more extreme rhetoric is a notable feature: recently a discussion thread started debating The Surrendered Wife author Laura Doyle's views on whether or not verbal abuse is merited in relationships.įrequently, women in Red Pill Reddit discussions are frustrated with mainstream liberal feminism, encouraging them to seek out like-minded people in fringe social media. Republican commentator Tomi Lahren articulated this exact frustration clearly to a group of young republican women at a leadership conference during the 2016 Presidential election, saying: “we really are the Left’s worst nightmare and not because we dress like women, but because we don’t fit into their box.they hold themselves up as the epitome of femininity, which is rather sad they are barely women.” Pew Research Center found that the largest divide amongst American women’s views of male workplace harassment was dependent on their Democrat or Republican leanings Republican women were less likely to consider men getting away with sexual harassment a problem at work. Others discuss more insidious ideas, like how “shutting the fuck up,” general submission towards a man, and prioritizing your sexual market value are some of the best ways to guarantee a good relationship. Where /r/TheRedPill focuses on masculinity, subreddits like /r/RedPillWomen and /r/RedPillWives focus on femininity, domesticity, and traditional ways of living for women. For the West’s brainwashed liberal feminist, the red pill undoes all the damage, or so advocates like DeAnna Lorraine would like you to believe. The anti-feminist tone varies across conversations in these groups. Some users seek dating advice or traditional lifestyle tips that seem to demonstrate benign conservative tendencies. Two months ago, New Right Network’s DeAnna Lorraine hosted a podcast based on her book Making Love Great Again, where she shared her recommendations on “how to red pill your girlfriend.” The underlying premise of her argument is that the liberal feminist agenda is ruining the United States and has “brainwashed” women into supporting feminism. The red pill-or “redpilling”- is a metaphor for an individual changing their outlook on society, often to reflect far-right and misogynistic ideologies. Over 270,000 people subscribe to Reddit’s /r/TheRedPill, which describes itself as a “.iscussion of sexual strategy in a culture increasingly lacking a positive identity for men.” It is a prime example of the manosphere-the male-centric and misogynistic presence on the internet. Surprising for many is the fact that there is also a red pill subreddit specifically for women. There is a growing divide amongst liberal and conservative women on the subject of feminism and misogyny, and it shows signs of aiding in the political polarization of Western societies. By Nicola Bruce Does a liberal feminist movement need to make room for conservative women? -isms