The platform is Windows unless otherwise indicated. Some of them do a lot more - in particular Instant Text and Shorthand - which have strong visual advisories, a vital feature.
An update will come soon! Please report any other compatibility issues at to developers and designers: you should check out Dash, which has all of DashExpander's features, and more. This is a list of 30+ programs for the PC that will expand short forms (abbreviations) into long forms (words, phrases, paragraphs, etc.). Snippet expansion does not currently work for Terminal and MacVim. repositions the cursor after expansion.expands into the contents of the clipboard.Menu item application, always one keyboard shortcut away.Tag Cloud scales tags based on usage count.Abbreviations are expanded wherever you type them.Placeholders can be edited before pasting.Sync by saving your library in Dropbox.Collect text snippets that you reuse often.Abbreviation Expansion supports placeholders which can be edited before pasting, without disrupting your work. It saves you from typing countless keys for frequently used pieces of text.
DashExpander is a snippet abbreviation expander. DashExpander is a free app for the Mac that will automatically transform text as youre typing into more meaningful snippets. Each snippet can include multiple assets, for example "index.html", "script.js" and "styles.css" The only reason that I personally chose Workflows over snippets was because of the additional space required to use a snippet.
Support for sharing snippets to the most popular social code services i.e Gist and Snipplr Import snippet libraries from the other snippet manager apps in one click

Over 100 syntaxes including CSS, HTML, JavaScript, C, C++, Objective-C, Python, and Ruby DashExpander is a snippet abbreviation expander. Extremely flexible snippet management using Tags, Folders, Groups and Smart Groups
Use variable placeholders and abbreviations to replace text expanding software Edit, Copy or Paste snippets into an active application right from the menu bar DashExpander is not free, you will have to purchase DashExpander using an In-App purchase. CodeBar helper app in the menu bar for browsing and searching through all known libraries DashExpander is a Snippet Abbreviation expander. Support for multiple libraries that can be put into the Dropbox to sync with your co-workers If you are looking for a fully-featured snippet manager then CodeBox is exactly what you need! The original files must not be moved or deleted. Caveat: Snippet only store references to files and folders. Now you can create a new instance of the the folder structure by just dragging the snippet to the Finder. Just create the folder structure once and add it to SnipEdges. a subfolder for invoices, one for letters, one for meeting notes. You may want to set up a specific folder structure for each of your clients, projects. Such templates can be ready-made letters, invoices. SnipEdges thus allows you create new documents from templates. You might find it a little awkward to use at first because the interface is a bit different from what you'll normally find on a Mac, but it's worth it. Each time you drag one to the Finder, the referenced original file will be duplicated. While DashExpander isn't going to provide you with the vast number of features of some other text expansion apps, it's nonetheless a very compelling option that costs you absolutely nothing. To use a snippet, grab it and drag it to where you need it. SnipEdges will hold on to it in a snippet stuck to the edge of the screen. anything to the border of your main screen. Is easy: drag-and-drop some text, an image, a file. Use a snippet by dragging it to its target destination. to the left or right edges of you main screen. Create a snippet by dragging text, images. Snippets stick to the edges of your screen. Create folder hierarchies by dragging a folder snippet to the Finder. Create "empty" documents by dragging a file snippet to the Finder. Uses include: your signature, letterhead, commonly used phrases.Snippets also work as file / folder templates. It keeps frequently used bits of text and images readily available. SnipEdges is a drag-and-drop snippet manager.